ECCP Centre

The European Centre for Certification and Privacy (ECCP) is in charge of the Europrivacy certification scheme’s management and licensing process. It assumes the function of the scheme owner with the support of the Europrivacy International Board of Experts.
Located in Luxembourg, ECCP aims at supporting innovative technologies and solutions in the data protection and certification domains. It was set up as a result of several European research projects. It is also directly engaged in supporting international research and innovation in the data protection and certification domains.
ECCP gathers and combines expertise in data protection, as well as in cybersecurity and ICT conformance tests and labelling. It is supported by an ecosystem of international partners that are directly contributing to its development and services, including:
- SECAN Lab of the University of Luxembourg
- Italian Institute for Privacy
- IoT Lab
- Archimede Solutions
- IPv6 Forum
For more information, visit ECCP's website: